Wise With Time Poem – Happy New Year 2023

Poet: Greta Zwaan.

Have you been content in the year now past?
Were your achievements heroic or vast?
Was every moment put to good use?
Or, did you in some way this privilege abuse?

These hours of time you cannot retract;
History was made and is now become fact.
Did you spend time with your wee ones in prayer?
Teach them of Jesus, His love and His care?

Did you make time to visit the lonely?
A time of sweet sharing they feel with you only?
Can you now say as the year is near gone;
“It has been bright, as bright as the dawn?”

Or were there moments you’d like to undo?
Erase an impression and start it anew?
Recall hasty words you would never have said,
Had you been guided by His Spirit instead.

Were you contented in the place that He called you?
Faithful and willing in all that you must do?
Or were there times when you slackened your pace?
Shunning your duties, forgetting His grace?

Would you be willing, with all things accounted,
For God to keep record, your life to be mounted?
Or are there changes you feel you would make,
If God would allow you to erase each mistake?

The goal of perfection you cannot achieve,
The moments gone by us we cannot retrieve.
But cheer up, dear Christian, continue to strive,
Be of good courage, your faith is alive.

Intention of good will and peace to all men,
A new year is dawning, be joyous again.
Give praise for achievements, though humble and small,
Because of His mercy they existed at all!

The future holds brightness if His will be done,
Continue the efforts your zeal has begun.
Let God guide you onward, sufficient each day,
Constantly blessing and leading the way.

Source: WWW.wow4U.com

Joy Filled New Year


Russian Leadership Worldview Is In line with the Soviet Union Worldview

The weakness of the Western world leaders is that they do not have a solid grip of understanding on the last century. Most of them were taught a political narrative or a doctrine of what happened in Europe between 1914 to 1991.

A political doctrine often follows a subjective narrative of history. It can have four possible purposes: boost a specific country’s nationalism, abide by a law, or prop up particular political or self-serving viewpoints.

 Very few see or admit to themselves to have been politically or morally wrong.

The losers get the heck beaten out of them by the victors. It happened to the people of Germany and the people of Japan after world war two.

Therefore, the “victors” group’s erroneous political or moral Worldview is not corrected. The western world leaders of democratic progress have many erroneous, highly subjective worldviews.

They wrote books and made movies in Hollywood that glorified violence, war crimes, genocide, civil wars, and lawless anarchy.   

The Western country leaders did not care about the immorality of the Bolsheviks fermenting civil war in Russia from 1917-to 1922. That snuffed out 8 million lives.

The western country leaders did not care about the Stalin declaration of Soviet Union State Atheism in 1922. Neither did the Jews when tens of thousands of left-wing Jews joined the Bolshevik’s anarchy in Russia.

The western world has gone horribly off the moral rails of decency. Because the blueprint for morality is the Instructions given by the Creator of Life at Mount Sinai, some 3460 years ago.

Erroneous Pride Of Life Without A Blueprint

 In their unbelief, pride of life, and arrogance, they became wise in their own eyes. They started spinning their own narrative and interpretation of life and putting down the actual true narrative from the Creator of Life. As a result, the God of the Bible has shared His own personal name (YHWH). But only a tiny percentage of the world population respect and acknowledge it as the Creator of Life.

World education institutes promoted the secular Worldview; they introduced a false reality and made false claims that there would be no consequences to unbelief, blasphemy, and sinful lifestyle.  

Once they brainwashed God out of people’s conscience, they introduced sinful lifestyles. They promoted the sinful lifestyle to be healthy and good for humanity. On the basis that if it feels good, then it must be good for one and all.  

But it was not enough to spin false subjective humanism; they had to demonize the true believers, calling them names and belittling them, shutting them out for political reasons.

Secularism linked up with atheism, atheism linked up with rebellion and anarchy. Soon, it became a social movement like a revolution that attempted to ban religions from exercising their right to believe and acknowledge God’s existence in the public arena.

The secular movement phenomena in the twenty-first century are not new. It has surfaced many times previously; Russia’s militant version raised its ugly head one hundred years ago. Then, they called it “Karl Marx Socialism.” But, in fact, it was a tyranny and pseudo- socialism. Karl Marx was a Satanist. He was also of Jewish descent. Talk about a paradox. Obviously, Satan made an offer too good for Karl to refuse.

The true Jew from Nazareth was also tempted (Yeshua), but he said No to satan. Instead, he opted for the wisdom of Tanack for an accurate worldview. And invested his life in the teaching of Tanack.     

State Atheism was Declared in Russia 1922

People’s attention span is short, with a lack of interest to study and read history, memories tend to be short. Therefore, metaphorically speaking people are reinventing the wheel every century. Subjective worldviews can surface million times over, and nobody would know the difference.   





Finland’s 1918 internal conflict has been described in many ways by the people of Finland and Russia for the last 100 years. It tells that the Bolsheviks Reds see the conflict from a different 180-degree angle than what the Blue Finns do. For the Bolsheviks, the event in Finland was a rude awakening to the Respect Rule of Law that they had become accustomed.

The forces behind the Bolsheviks lawlessness people movement and the anti-monarchy ideology planned, conjured up, and orchestrated the Russian Revolution as early as 1900, by the full-time agitators and activist. Stalin was working as a revolutionist as early as 1902. The Bolsheviks lawless arrogance did not expect any opposition to their brazen murder of the Russian Monarchy.

  • Liberation war
  • Internal war
  • Civil War
  • A war between the Reds (Bolshies) and Blues (Finns)

Extraction of the Bolsheviks Spirit of Lawlessness from Finland 1918

The Russian Civil war did not sit well with the Finnish people. Regarding the Bolsheviks long 18 years agitation in Russia (1900 -1918) All of the above descriptions have some truth in them.

However, the conflict’s primary cause was the Bolsheviks exporting the Russian revolution fever and the Spirit of anarchy into Finland. Deliberate foreign lawlessness was not welcome in Finland.  

The conflict between the Bolsheviks and the Blue Finns flared into ballistic warfare with military weapons on the January 27 and lasted until the Bolsheviks, and the Reds expulsed and driven out of Finland back to Russian on May 15, 1918. The war fought between the two opposing sides.

 The Russian Revolution’s effects caused polarization in Finland’s society; the Russian society collapses into rebellion and the anarchy of a Russian Civil War 1918 after the Bolshevik leaders murdered the Russian Tsar Romanov family, the royal couple, and their five children, including their servants.   It was a pre-planned 17 old rebellion in the making.

The Spirit of anarchy was rebuffed and stopped in Finland. The Spirit of the law-abiding people of Finland had zero tolerance for the Bolsheviks lawless worldview and their State atheism philosophy. It was morally responsible for the people of Finland and the future government to defend self-preservation and stop the Spirit of anarchy spreading and gaining control in Finland.

After hearing the reports of the Romanov family murders. Who would welcome the Bolsheviks into their country? Not likely. The general Spirit of the Nordic country’s society, respect for law and order, would not accept such immoral and lawless behavior.

The Spirit of the Natural Law points out who the criminals were, and who was encouraging lawlessness. Since early 1900 there were individuals, like Josef Stalin, that was a habitual anarchist. A revolutionist that was doing everything in his power to undermine the authority of the Russian monarchy.

The Spirit of the rule of law must be respected. It is a command in the Holy Scriptures. It is the Spirit that enables a society to have a universal respect for peace and order. That does not mean that a monarchist can self-indulge in privilege. No human is outside of the law, regardless of the status in society. Be it a leader, a king, or a prime mate, a husband or a wife, a manager or a business owner, every individual need to respect the Spirit of the law and abide in the rule of law, as long as the rule of law is morally responsible and respectful.   Even if the law becomes arbitrary and is immoral, that does not give license to murder the human-made lawmaker. It does mean that people are not obliged to obey immoral laws.

 That is another reason why it is essential to understand and know the Spirit of Natural Law.

Understanding enables us to make the right decisions consciously. The people of Finland in 1918 declared explicitly that the Bolshevik gangsters had no authority over the peace respecting the people of Finland. Therefore, they were driven out of Finland, back to the Bolsheviks ruled Russia. That was the rational Worldview of peace-loving and law respecting the people of Finland. There was no question that the Bolsheviks were off the moral rails.  


The conflict was directly from the Russian Revolution fever in 1917, which perpetuated the Spirit of anarchy to spread out into surrounding countries where the Russian military occupied in 1917. People had lost sight of what was normal moral behavior.

Violent aggression is not a healthy state for the human mind and heart. Aggressive minority individuals do not have the authority to claim that their state is average. It only reveals their abnormal state. The normal human state can be studied in the 66 books/letters of the Holy Bible.

 Let the word of God judge people as being deceived liars, and only God can ultimately judge rightly. The influence of the nemesis confused people with losing track of spiritual reality and cognitive facts. The most confused people are those that were tempted by influence and gave into the Spirit of rebellion and anarchy. They participated in the rebellion and overthrew the legitimate rule of law that was in Russia at the time.  

Fueled by the Russian revolution fever events, it caused a domino effect, which was about to unravel the giant coil spring under tension and ready to release the trapped energy at the trigger. That would release a vast amount of stored spiritual dark energy and express itself with the mindless Nemesis rage’s violence. There were ambitious political leaders, the criminal revolutionists, and the soldiers’ tormented souls returning from the madness of the World War One Russian front lines ready and ripe to unravel.  


On October 7, 1917, the Revolution of October moved the power according to the words of the Bolsheviks to the workers and gave birth to the dictatorship of the proletariat in Russia. The primary revolution goal was to create the first communist state country system in the world. The Bolshevik praetors were on the road to progress; those who stood in the way and prevented socialism’s historical fate were not welcomed in the construction; it was a zero-tolerance closed group.

Bolsheviks emerged from power to abolish opposition parties and eliminate the enemies of the Revolution. The long-under-surface society tension developments triggered armed clashes around Russia since 1917. The war for the Revolution and against raged for a long time on numerous fronts between 1917 and 1921, which drove Russia to the brink of collapse.

The seeming red powers in the core areas of Russia were even weaker in the periphery of the Russian land, which was warring against mixed counter-revolutionary armies.   War operations spread across a wide area of Soviet Russia, which consisted of the culmination point of the Civil War in the summer of 1919. Only in the area of the Grand Duchy of the Old Moscow, but even then, the Bolshevik leaders could not ignore, leave, or forget the Russian side of the socialist construction viewpoint.

Bolshevik’s earlier promise of people to the right of self-determination contained an affectionately underlined obligation to establish a new one instead of the bourgeois administration, based on the new, modern “working councils.”   A regime that would operate either in the context of Soviet Russia or in its counterpart under the tutelage of the promised self-determination was just the right of working classes. If so, bourgeois forces seek to “prevent” the realization of this right; the Bolsheviks sent them ever-growing Red Army to “protect” the proletariat of the various regions in their own class struggle.

The Civil War in Russia was not just a war, but by the war, the Bolsheviks were trying to dominate the system by any means. According to Bolshevik’s ideas, the warfare described as “class struggle” came to extol the everlasting peace and security.  


One of the prominent leaders of the Bolsheviks was Josef Stalin; he becomes a personality cult in Soviet Union-Russia. It is revealing to study the early years of his political career to get an insight into his life values, Worldview, and his character.

What was the integrity of his character?

And why on earth was he as a leader being worshipped as a personality cult idol? Was it because he represented the Dialectic Materialism worldview to the people? The political profile of Josef Stalin is far from Western standards in the 20 century.

Stalin had a serious criminal record, including the armed robbery of a bank and a mail carriage; he was an ordinary streetwise gangster between 1900-1917.

His name at birth was Ioseb Jughashvili. His father’s name was Besarion Ivanes dze Jughashvili. Who was a successful shoemaker by trade, but later in life he slid into alcoholism and became a vagrant? His wife and Stalin’s mother was Ekaterine Geladze.

 “The Jughashvili family were ethnically Georgian, and Stalin grew up speaking the Georgian language. Gori was then part of the Russian Empire and was home to a population of 20,000, the majority of whom were Georgian but with Armenian, Russian, and Jewish minorities. Stalin was baptized on December 17. He earned the childhood nickname of “Soso,” a diminutive of Iosif (Joseph).”

– Wikipedia.  

Stalin Consciously Made Decisions to Become an Outlaw and a Ruthless Gangster

Joseph Stalin was sixteen in 1895; he received a scholarship at the Georgian Tbilisi Spiritual Seminary. Which was a religious training institution that operated from 1817 to 1919 in the Georgian Exarchate of the Russian Orthodox church? Stalin joined the 600 trainee priests who boarded at the seminary; Joseph is said to have been academically successful and gained high grades there.  


As Stalin grew older, at the seminary, he lost interest in the subject of his studies; his grades dropped, and he was repeatedly confined to a cell for his rebellious behavior.

Teachers complained that he declared himself an atheist, chatted in class and refused to doff his hat to monks.   “Stalin joined a forbidden book club active at the school; he was particularly influenced by Nikolay Chernyshevsky’s 1863 pro-revolutionary novel, What Is To Be Done?

Another influential text was Alexander Kazbegi’s The Patricide, with Stalin adopting the nickname “Koba” from that of the book’s bandit protagonist.

He also read Capital, the 1867 book by German sociological theorist Karl Marx. Stalin devoted himself to Marx’s socio-political theory, Marxism, which was then on the rise in Georgia, one of the various forms of socialism opposed to the empire’s governing Tsarist authorities.”

(Encyclopedia, Joseph Stalin,)

“Stalin co-organized a secret mass meeting of workers for May Day 1900, at which he successfully encouraged many of the men to take strike action. The empire’s secret police— the Okhrana— were aware of Stalin’s activities within Tiflis’ revolutionary milieu.

They attempted to arrest him in March 1901, but he escaped and went into hiding. Remaining underground, he helped to plan a demonstration for May Day 1901, in which 3,000 marchers clashed with the authorities. In November 1901, he was elected to the Tiflis Committee of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP), a Marxist party founded in 1898. After several strikes, leaders were arrested, he co-organized a mass public demonstration that led to the storming of the prison; troops fired upon the demonstrators, 13 of whom were killed.

Stalin organized a second mass demonstration on the day of their funeral, before being arrested in April 1902.   He was initially held at Batumi Prison and later moved to the more secure Kutaisi Prison. In mid-1903, Stalin was sentenced to three years of exile in eastern Siberia.

Stalin left Batumi in October, arriving at the small Siberian town of Novaya Uda in late November. He lived in a two-room peasant’s house, sleeping in the building’s larder.

Stalin made several escape attempts; on the first, he made it to Balagansk before returning due to frostbite. His second attempt was successful, and he made it to Tiflis.

Stalin married Kato Svanidze in a church ceremony at Senaki in July 1906. By the year 1907— according to the historian Robert Service— Stalin had established himself as “Georgia’s leading Bolshevik.”  

After returning to Tiflis 1907, Stalin organized the robbing of a large money delivery to the Imperial Bank in June 1907.

His gang ambushed the armed convoy in Yerevan Square with gunfire and home-made bombs. Around 40 people were killed, but all of his gang escaped alive.

After the heist, Stalin settled in Baku with his wife and son. There, Mensheviks confronted Stalin about the robbery and voted to expel him from the RSDLP, but he took no notice of them.

In Baku, he had reassembled his gang, the Outfit, which continued to attack Black Hundreds and raised finances by running protection rackets, counterfeiting currency, and carrying out robberies. They also kidnapped the children of several wealthy figures to extract ransom money.”

Victor Leinonen. A Claim For A True Worldview (Kindle Locations 2134-2150)

In March 1908, Stalin was arrested and interred in Bailov Prison, where he led the imprisoned Bolsheviks, organized discussion groups, and ordered the killing of suspected informants.

He was eventually sentenced to two years in exile in Solvychegodsk, Vologda Province, arriving there in February 1909. In June, he escaped the village and made it to Kotlas disguised as a woman and from there to Saint Petersburg.

In March 1910, arrested again and sent back to Solvychegodsk. There he had affairs with at least two women; his landlady, Maria Kuzakova, later gave birth to his second son, Konstantin. He proceeded to Saint Petersburg, where he was arrested in September 1911, and sentenced to a further three-year exile in Vologda.  

In February 1912, Stalin escaped to Saint Petersburg, tasked with converting the Bolshevik weekly newspaper, Zvezda (“Star”) into a daily, Pravda (“Truth”). The new newspaper was launched in April 1912, although Stalin’s role as editor was kept secret.

In May 1912, arrested again and imprisoned in the Shpalerhy Prison before being sentenced to three years exile in Siberia. In July, he arrived at the Siberian village of Narym where he shared a room with fellow Bolshevik Yakov Sverdlov.

After two months, Stalin and Sverdlov escaped back to Saint Petersburg. During a brief period back in Tiflis, Stalin and the Outfit planned the ambush of a mail coach, during which most of the group— although not Stalin— were apprehended by the authorities.  

In February 1913, Stalin was arrested while back in Saint Petersburg. He was sentenced to four years exile in Turukhansk, a remote part of Siberia from which escape was particularly tricky.

In March 1914, concerned over a potential escape attempt, the authorities moved Stalin to the hamlet of Kureika on the edge of the Arctic Circle.

In the hamlet, Stalin had an affair with Lidia Pereprygia, who was thirteen at the time and thus a year under the legal age of consent in Tsarist Russia.

Circa December 1914, Pereprygia gave birth to Stalin’s child, although the infant died soon after.  

While Stalin was in exile, Russia entered the First World War, and in October 1916 Stalin and other exiled Bolsheviks were conscripted into the Russian Army, leaving for Monastyrskoe.

They arrived in Krasnoyarsk in February 1917, where a medical examiner ruled Stalin unfit for military service due to his crippled left arm. Aged 12, he was seriously injured after being hit by a phaeton, resulting in a lifelong disability to his left arm.

Stalin was required to serve four more months on his exile, and he successfully requested that he serve it in nearby Achinsk. Stalin was in the city when the February Revolution took place; uprisings broke out in Petrograd— as Saint Petersburg had been renamed— and Tsar Nicholas II abdicated to be replaced by a Provisional Government. (Wikipedia, The early life of Joseph Stalin, 2018)

Victor Leinonen. A Claim For A True Worldview (Kindle Locations 2168-2179).




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Is There Such A Thing As Chocolate Addiction?

We all love chocolates. A sweet-savory bar with that delicious goodness it melts in our mouth makes us always crave for it. But is that craving can actually become an addiction? Are those strong urges we experience for chocolates can be considered as an addiction?

Food is strongly linked with our emotional state rather than actual hunger. We mostly experience cravings just after we get bored, sad, depressed, or anxious. So, one way of explaining your craving is a soothing cure when you are feeling miserable.

Studies show that chocolate craving is mostly experienced by women rather than men. Even some women consider themselves as ‘chocoholics.’  They insist that chocolate soothes their minds and induces the feeling of well-being in them. Even the abstinence of chocolate makes them suffer withdrawal symptoms.

The reason behind their thinking is – Chocolates, sweets, or high-fat-foods induce the secretion of serotonin that makes us feel happier.

This is one reason for our cravings during SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorders) or PMS (Pre-menstrual Syndrome).

Many women experience intense cravings during their monthly cycle. These cravings are mainly based on hormones. Many studies suggest that sugar and high-fat-foods have the same addiction power as many drugs or substance. And their withdrawal symptoms are also similar.

Many experts believe that chocolate stimulates ‘opioids,’ also known as ‘pleasure chemicals’ in the brain.

The fact is, chocolate contains many biologically active ingredients, and they are responsible for causing abnormal behaviors and euphoria, almost like other addictive substances, including drugs.

Experts also say that people claiming themselves as chocolate addicts exhibit exclusive symptoms like salivating more in chocolates, higher anxiety, and more negative moods.

They consider them similar to everyday addicts because of their intense cravings, abnormal mood swings, and irregular eating patterns.

Although there are many similarities between actual substance addiction and chocolate addiction, chocolate addiction cannot be considered a real ‘addiction.’ All those potentially mood-changing substances, which are found in chocolate, can also be found in less-appealing foods. Broccoli, even in higher concentration.

Chocolate cravings are majorly attributed to its taste, sweetness, aroma, texture, chemicals, and nutrients combined with hormones and mood swings.

This suggested that the cravings are something psychological experience rather than a physical one. This can explain the inability to control eating is due to emotional and environmental factors.

The stress of our day-to-day life makes us turn to food for comfort, to soothe our anxiety. And after gaining considerably, return to exercising. We are so overwhelmed with food advertisements, displays, mouth-watering presentations, and our obsession with getting in shape that we experience a more intense urge to eat.

As many diet experts suggest that we should stop ourselves before we feel full, increase our desire to compensate for that with chocolates.

Tips to Curb Your Chocolate Cravings:

If you are feeling like you are eating too many chocolates, then try these useful tips.

  1. Identify the reason for craving: We crave foods for many reasons other than hunger. If you can identify your reason, whether it’s anxiety, depression, or anything else, try to solve it accordingly rather than with food.

2.Don’t cut it down completely: Moderation is the key. Eat a small portion of chocolate in your routine rather than cut it down completely. Studies suggest that eating a small portion of chocolate within half an hour after a meal can curb your cravings.

3.Engage in other activities when cravings hit: As we mentioned earlier, you’ll feel cravings due to many emotional factors like anxiety, boredom, and depression. Indulge yourself in different activities like walking, talking, run errands, or read a book. Take your mind off food for some time, and cravings may eventually subside.

4. Always carry healthy snacks: It will help you replace chocolates with something healthy like fruits or nuts. Take care of your diet; eat a balanced diet with proper nutrition. This will improve your blood sugar levels, and you’ll experience fewer cravings.

5. Do Exercise: Exercise is the only and safest method to burn off extra calories and increase the body’s metabolic rate.It will improve your mood by inducing endorphins’ secretion, which reduces stress, depression, and anxiety. 

Try these tips, and you’ll experience a significant difference in your chocolate cravings.


Thank you for visiting http://maukasmaku.com website and reading this Is There Such A Thing As Chocolate Addiction article post. We hope this was informative, useful and helpful.


Finland 500 Year History In A Book


The state of nature existed for the early inhabitants of the land between the Gulf of Finland and the Bothnian Sea, and along the shore of the Lake Ladoga, freshwater lakes, moss bogs, creeks, and rivers all the way north to the White Sea. Some individual people were in tune with their inner intuitive spiritual being, living amongst the precious resources of the natural environment and the starlit night skies. We cannot even begin to imagine the interactions that a human spirit—the mind and soul— go through when its life is entirely dependent on the provisions that the natural environment provides. People that lived their lives surrounded by the natural living environment, interacting with the life that was so rich everywhere during the spring, summer and autumn season that is what shaped their spirits and personalities. God-given natural life demonstrated through the natural environment; they were the recipients of that life, and they knew it.


June is the beginning of summer in the southern parts of the Nordic countries. It was also hard work at times; shelters built for health reasons and protection. Food had to be gathered, fished, and hunted for provision. Wild berries had to forage for nutritional needs, and water manually carried for households. Clothing and footwear repaired and new items made. Until the time when the migrating birdlife starts to return south, year after year, return south for the warm summer daylight.

Only the most experienced, well prepared, and brave would dare to stay through the Nordic winters, which could be under snow and ice for six months (some regional variations), November to May During the cold dark winters, wild game animals are tracked and hunted, moose and deer. Fire is essential to stay healthy and alive in the Nordic cold winters. During the Nordic winter, the environment is often dead still and quiet, not a sound heard. A winter environment covered with snow insulating and trapping any sounds from the pine trees. Blue haze appears around mid-morning with no sunrise during the day, and the darkness returns at mid-afternoon. Six hours of greyish blue haze daylight is a sign of the Nordic midwinter solstice.

The season changes and the daylight hours go closer to midnight, the winter snow and ice soon melt away as the migrating birds arrive from their South Europe and African winter escape. The green vegetation starts to thrive, and soon the wild berries start to flower, giving birth to wild strawberries, bilberries, lingonberries, thorn-buck berries, and cloudberries. The environment is full of the sounds of singing bird calls and songs. Game animals such as reindeer, whitetail deer, brown bear, and the moose, they mate and give birth to their young, food is abundant during the three short months of the Nordic summer season.

The life of the natural environment speaks with narrative to a rational, intelligent human mind. It is the Creation, the works of God. Who could have measured the depth, the length, and the width of human understanding some 4500 years ago? From season to season, the people of the far north walked, boated, climbed, skied, journeyed, foraged, trapped, fished, and hunted. There was an abundant food supply of water and firewood. During the summer nights, they listened to the echo of the calls made by the water birds at a distance, endless daylight lasting all through the nighttime hours.

Through belief, faith, myth, and imagination, the nomad people’s minds began to join dots and to draw charcoal sketches of the fuller expansive imaginary world beyond their experience. A world where all the clouds of the sky glide from, and a world where all the rivers and lakes flow. An imaginary world filled with a countless number of lakes filled with the vigorous life, a world where all the migrating birds fly to and fly from, feeding and nesting amongst the reeds, green swamps, meadows filled with wildflowers and rolling hills with virgin forests, with the dark soil trails of the majestic moose.

The Nemesis Book 2018


“The story of the Ingria people groups and Cultures. “The recent studies have rejected the old theories that the Baltic Finns had come to the shores of the region in waves of migrations in the early part of the first century, from east to south-east. Results of the research had revealed that the North-European people were of Finn stock (Kanta Suomalainen). Not to be confused with the Finn-Ukraine stock (kantasuomlais-Ugrilaista), as they also moved to the north as the Indo-European people groups became to settle there. They also have a relatively recent history, integrated with the Indo-European Nations. Similarly, the Baltic Finn tribes and their Nationality are a representation of the local indigenous people of the Baltic Sea, in the same way as the Sami people represent the Indigenous people who found their habitation environment in the south and the far north. The Baltic Sea Finns, the Ingria land people (Inkeriläiset) also have roots that go far back in history. (Saressalo, 2000) Lassi Saressalo.”


“An extended Southwest Finland was made a titular grand duchy in 1581, when King John III of Sweden, who as a prince had been the Duke of Finland (1556–1561/63), extended the list of subsidiary titles of the Kings of Sweden considerably. The new title Grand Duke of Finland did not result in any Finnish autonomy, as Finland was an integrated part of the Kingdom of Sweden with full parliamentary representation for its counties. (Sweden, Grand Duchy of Finland, 2018)”


The Finnish War fought between the Kingdom of Sweden and the Russian Empire from February 1808 to September 1809. As a result of the war, the eastern third of Sweden established as the autonomous Grand Duchy of Finland within the Russian Empire. (Sweden, Finnish War, 2018)


Nicholas II (1868 – 17 July 1918) was the last Emperor of Russia, ruling from 1 November 1894 until his forced abdication on 15 March 1917. The people of the Russian revolution rejected their Monarchy system. (Russia, Nicholas II of Russia, 2018)


The people of Finland grew up on land, located between a rock and a hard place. The two Imperial Superpowers were Sweden on West side of the Bothnia Sea, and Russia on the East side of Lake Ladoga and the Neva River. Both Imperial superpowers have influenced, intimidated, invaded, educated and betrayed trust with the people and the government of Finland over the last 500 years. These two-imperial superpowers were not equal; they have a very different history, cultural values, and people’s national identity and destiny.

Nordic countries have been spiritually inspired and influenced by the evangelical Christian values, not a dead religion. The two Imperial superpowers also had different ambitions, inclinations, prejudices, dispositions, and motives in invading the people of the Nordic countries. It is refreshing to think how Sweden has managed to stay within their national skin. The Soviet Union was not able to stay within their Russian national skin, almost like a giant snake eating up others outside their borders, and always restless, and never satisfied or settled.

The ability to stay within one’s skin takes self-control. There must be the ability to see some good in what they have. They have acquired vast natural resources, mostly from indigenous people’s lands. What is Moscow? If all the indigenous people like Sami people of the Kola Peninsula and the Sami people of Siberia and further East were given their original ancestral lands back?

It is reasonable to say that those that have much should be the most hospitable and generous. The USSR was never generous, was never hospitable to their neighbors. They caused unimaginable suffering and heartache for millions of people that lost their neighbors, parents, husbands, wives, and children to labor camps and the persecution of political prisoners.

The Imperial powers did not always just come randomly or impulsively to the territory of the Suomi people. They came after calculated strategic war planning was complete. The Imperial Russian leaders had planned far in advance for their territorial, material or political ends. At other times the Superpower leaders were driven by personal ambition, impulsions, and fantasies as dictators do. The superpowers have always included the use of military force, once the military force is sufficiently built up and intimidating, then right to human nature they exploit that intimidation and make outrageous demands for territory or other material wealth. If the Imperial demands were not met, then they keep going on rolling destruction, which flattens whatever that is sticking up in their way to be flattened. It is sinister and ruthless exploitation, history of full of such exploits committed by imperial superpowers and hungry dictators.


“It was through Sweden that the Good News Gospel came to Finland after the first millennium.

The First Swedish Crusade is said to have taken place with a military expedition, around the year 1150 AD. It was the first attempt by Sweden to convert Finnish pagan cultural to Christianity. According to the legend, it was by King Eric IX of Sweden with an English bishop by the name of Henry of Uppsala, who also remained in Finland, but was killed by a pagan Finn. (Bishop of Finland)

The Second crusades from Sweden according to Eric’s Chronicle from 1320-1340, the crusade took place between Birger Jarl getting elevated to the position of jarl in 1248 and the death of King Eric XI of Sweden in 1250.

The Third Crusade was far-reaching in East Finland region Karelia. The Viborg Castle established in the Gulf of Finland Bay Viborg Karelia, and western Karelia remained under Swedish rule for over 400 years. It was an expedition focused on the pagan Karelians in 1293.”

“It is fair to say that the Swedish influence on the early Finnish culture has been positive, and one of nation-building. The Swedish Royalty certainly did lord it over their subjects and kept their subjects in their little place. Until 1800 when the Russian got the better of the Swedes militarily, the nation of Sweden never again glorified its nation with military supremacy and conquering exploits.Sweden today is more pre-occupied with their export home brands, making the world news with product brand like HUSGAVARNA, SAAB, VOLVO, SCANIA, IKEA, Electrolux, Ericsson, H & H and Skype. The consistent quality control, production and global distribution are respected worldwide. Sweden is still today one of the two official languages in Finland.”


Popular New Years Resolution 2018

Popular New Years Resolution 2018

Popular New Years Resolution 2018 may really be genuine and  timely good idea.  Each year, many individuals create New Years resolutions. These resolutions are goals that the wisher hopes to achieve. Each individual creates a goal that can benefit him or her or improve his or her life in one way or another. Although New Years resolutions are tailored to the individual in question, there are many common goals set at the first of the year. What are they?

To lose weight.

Weight loss is by far one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions. Part of this is due to the fact that many Americans are overweight and obese. Still, even those who are in good health make the resolution to lose weight because they want to be perfect. Regardless of your reason for wanting to lose weight, know that you are not alone.

Although weight loss is a popular New Year’s resolution, it is also the resolution most commonly given up on. If you truly want to lose weight, know you will experience ups and downs. You will not lose weight immediately. For many, it is easy to lose weight, but hard to keep it off. The best way to turn your New Year’s resolution into a reality is to not just focus on weight loss, but the components of it, such as diet and exercise.

To get out of debt.

Debt is a problem that many Americans face. As many find themselves unemployed or with reduced hours, more individuals are turning to credit cards to pay their bills and survive. This results in debt. If you are not in debt, make your New Year’s resolution to avoid it. If you are in debt, start digging your way out and know that you are not alone.

If you want to get out of debt this year, you will want to take it one step at a time. Those with over $10,000 in debt often get overwhelmed and stop trying. Do not let this happen. When you rid yourself of debt, it will literally feel as if a great weight has been lifted off your shoulders. So, reduce your spending, save money, and apply it towards your debt. When doing so, pay off all secured debts first.

To get organized.

Organization is another popular New Year’s resolution. Most Americans lead hectic lives. Many have demanding jobs with long hours or children who participate in extra curricular activities. With limited free time, it is easy for a home or office to become overrun and cluttered. That is why many make the resolution to get organized. The good news is that it is relatively easy to do.

If your New Year’s resolution is to get organized, also incorporate cleaning. For example, sort and file all papers on your desk, but scrub it first. If your resolution is to organize your entire home, take it one step at a time so that you do not get overwhelmed. For example, start with your kitchen then move to the living room and so forth.

To find a new job.

A large number of Americans are stuck in a job they don’t like. Of course it is important to get the bills paid, but you should be doing something you love. For that reason, join the crowd and make the resolution to find a job that not only pays the bills, but makes you happy.

To get a raise.

As previously stated, finding a new job is a popular New Year’s resolution. If you are pleased with your job, you may not want to change it, but you may want more money. When it comes to getting a raise, you have a number of options. You can ask or you can wait and see. If raises are based on performance reviews, don’t ask. Instead, improve your productivity at work. Meet all deadlines, extend help to coworkers, volunteer for additional projects, and so froth. The extra money in your paycheck will soon fall into place.


Thank you for visiting Maukasmaku.com website and reading this Popular New Years Resolution 2018 article post. I wish you and your family a Blessed Happy New Year 2018.

Wireless Surveillance Cameras

Wireless Surveillance Cameras

Wireless surveillance cameras are becoming more affordable and convenient to install in difficult multi story structures or buildings. We all want nothing but safety and security for our home and our family and sometimes, we could only do so much and pray that nothing bad would happen. But fortunately, with the popularity of home security systems, people are now becoming more and more aware of what action they could do in order to prevent housebreaks, burglary, and fires.

Wireless Surveillance Cameras
Click this image

Now, there is a more extensive measure that we could take when it comes to home security system and they are home security video wireless surveillance cameras that could record and monitor what happens on the around our houses. The footages of the home security video wireless surveillance cameras are also a good tool when it comes to identifying and tracking down the suspects that broke in to your home.

Hidden Cameras For Security

Home security video wireless surveillance cameras may seem very unusual and extensive since we only see them on stores and other business establishments to record all the people that are coming in and going out of their stores. However, there are now many shops who are offering home security video wireless surveillance cameras for us, homeowners, to enjoy the benefits of this kind of monitoring when it comes to our safety and security.

An online shop, Hidden Camera Solutions specialize in home security video wireless surveillance cameras that are high in quality, easy to install hidden camera surveillance systems, and affordable without compromising its efficiency. You could see a wide array of home security video wireless cameras at the hidden camera catalogue link and see cameras in different sizes and kinds. Some of them are concealed in radios and clocks that you would not think that they are a home security video wireless surveillance cameras at all and they could also custom design your hidden camera depending on your needs.

Another store that sells great home security video wireless surveillance cameras is the Galaxy Gadgets And Gizmos and they have a wide array of stock of surveillance cameras with all of the components that you may need. They also offer other spy equipment which are compact, unique, and best disguised devices that you could find on the web. Guaranteed, the products at Galaxy Gadgets And Gizmos are all of high-quality and would surely meet your home security needs.

Thank you for visiting this http://maukasmaku.com website and reading this Wireless Surveillance Cameras article. If you enjoy reading similar articles about home security visit http://arcticonice.com/

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Time To Quit Smoking

Time to quit smoking should be sooner the better,  it does take the will, the emotions and the spirit with determination to choose a healthy lifestyle over the unhealthy habit of cigarette smoking.  The key to stopping smoking is to fill the mind with the right information of the principles of healthy living, taking into consideration the human body, with all of the ten internal organ systems,  and the integumentary system of the outer skin.

The integumentary system is the organ system that protects the body from various kinds of damage, such as loss of water or abrasion from outside. – Wikipedia. 

Headaches are another common withdrawal symptoms when you decide to quit smoking. This is something that occurs very commonly. Your best line of defense is any common headache remedy that you prefer. Many will opt with a mild pain reliever while others will focus on relaxing techniques. Regardless of the method, try not to suffer too badly with a headache, or it could encourage you to smoke to relieve the stress the problem is causing you.

Time to quit smoking with a definite healthy lifestyle plan

You have set out in a goal to stop smoking, this, of course, is a great idea, however, are you really prepared for the potential consequences. Of course, your health will enjoy a significant benefit from the decreased smoking, but your body is going to have a period of adjustment as it works to handle all of the harsh effects that smoking has caused. Being fully aware of these potential adverse side effects will ensure that you are adequately prepared to attempt quitting the right way. Just saying that you want to stop is simply not enough, you need to actually make an effort and be prepared.

Time to quit smoking and overcoming withdrawals for a relatively short period

One of the most common side effects to stopping that you may experience is small spells of dizziness. These are typically only present in the first few days as your body works to regulate hormone production. If you just pause for a brief moment anytime, the dizziness occurs it will generally pass quickly. If you try to press forth with activities during these spells you could become injured so taking your time is critical.

Tightness in your chest and even coughing is another common withdrawal symptom. As your body is adjusting to the lack of nicotine, it will start to also clear out the excess chemicals that are built up. This can cause several different reactions. Many people often mistake the chest tightening with having a heart attack. If you are sure that it is a heart attack rather than just standard chest tightening, make sure to get immediate medical attention.

Time to quit smoking and reinvigorate spiritual energy naturally

One of the last significant withdrawal symptoms is tiredness. While of course, this is a problem that plagues almost anyone who can breathe it becomes an even bigger issue when trying to quit smoking. Often smokers use cigarettes as a way to give them a boost of energy, this can be helpful while you are smoking, but the lack of power as you are trying to quit can make you stressed, as well as weaken your resolve to actually stop. Try to ensure that you are getting plenty of sleep to combat this symptom as much as possible. Most people are able to return to their normal routine, minus the smoking after just a few short weeks.

Your body may experience additional withdrawal symptoms. How you handle them is typically left up to you as long as they remain mild, however at any sign of serious health problems you need to seek the advice and supervision of a doctor to ensure that there are no additional health problems that are being mislabeled as a withdrawal symptom. Talking to your doctor and letting them know that you plan to quit is typically a good idea so that they can also closely monitor your physical health during the difficult struggle. After all, an ounce of prevention is worth any time it may take to protect your health.

Thank you for visiting http://maukasmaku.com  and reading this Time to quit smoking article post. We hope this was helpful and useful to you.  Please do share this link with your friends, thanks.

Becoming Profitable in Your Lawn Care Business

Becoming profitable in your lawn care business

Growing profitable in your lawn care business can be the motivating force to kick start your own lawn care company. You might do it for the freedom that being your own boss gives you. You might do it to focus 100% on doing work that you are very good at which is making people’s lawns and gardens look great. Or you might do it because you know you can do a better job running a business than the people you work for. But the primary reason to start any business it to become profitable and successful so you can support yourself and your family and see your business grow and succeed.

So is it possible to make a good profit running a lawn care business?

Of course, it must be; otherwise, there would not be lawn care companies that stay in business year after year. To make your own business work, there are some basics of building a profitable business that you must keep in mind to apply to your situation as you launch your lawn care business and begin to get customers and generate revenue.

Profitability is not a complicated idea.

It is basically making more money than you spend. But it is a mistake to think you can reach profitability by merely controlling costs. Too many businesses have gone under putting all the emphasis on efficiency and cost savings and not enough focus on getting new customers and customer retention. You can see profitability when you and your crews are all fully engaged in money generating work every working hour of every day.

Becoming profitable in your lawn care business with staff

This can be a challenge mainly as you grow to where you can need to keep multiple crews going every day. To keep each team on a job site, completing work and then moving to the next job site and juggle the work and the workers each and every day is a test of your management ability. But you learn the art of managing larger and larger teams and larger jobs as your business grows from just you and your small collection of tools to an empire.

As a manager, job one if customer retention.

Job two is gaining new customers. Job three is cost control and making sure your teams are performing at peak efficiency while delivering top quality work to your customers. The customer focus needed to become profitable must go further than just you, the owner of the business. You must instill it in your employees. It is when you can capture the company of a nice roster of repeat customers that you have the basis for profitability as you take care of the work these customers give you each week.

Becoming profitable in your lawn care business and expanding

As the owner and manager of your lawn care company, you must always be looking for ways to capture more business. This means marketing and advertising sometimes. But it also means making sure the work you do for existing customers is done well. If there was the heart of true profitability for your lawn care business, it is not primarily cost controls although that is a vital part of any successful business. The real heart of profitability is customer satisfaction.

With satisfied customers, you can build a budget of reliable income from the monthly payments of that customer base. Happy customers will give you new work as you expand the kinds of services your lawn care business offers. And satisfied customers give you referrals as they tell their friends or neighbors about the lawn service they are so pleased about. That word of mouth marketing is free to you, and it will get you more business than any other type of advertising. These are all great reasons to take very good care of the customers you have and grow from that base to greater profitability each year.

Thank you for visiting http://maukasmaku.com  and reading this Becoming profitable in your lawn care business article post. We hope this was helpful and useful to you.  Please do share this link with your friends, thanks.

As Strong as Your Weakest Link

As strong as your weakest link

As strong as your weakest link when you start your own lawn care business, there are a lot of new situations you have to get used to. Perhaps you did lawn care for years as an independent contractor, or you worked for someone else on their payroll. The work of lawn care doesn’t change, and if that is what you love to do, you are on the right track starting your own lawn care business. But when it is you who runs the show, the world is a very different place.

As strong as your weakest link are your staff

Perhaps the biggest adjustment will be that when you own your own business, you suddenly are confronted with this new creature called an employee. But it is the employees you have on board with you that will make or break your yard care business. That means that one of the most important skills you will develop as a manager and owner of a company will be your ability to pick, hire and retain great employees. That is because your company will truly be as strong as your weakest link.

If you used contract labor when you got busy before you turned your lawn care into a business, you developed some skills for evaluating who would be a good worker. If you did get that chance, that judgment would be invaluable to you as you build your own small army of quality employees. It is quite a balancing act to capture enough business to keep all of your employees busy and then to think about growing your business as well.

As strong as your weakest link needs to be prepared for customer service.

If you get a rush of new business, you want to capture it and turn those customers long term clients. But you have to be able to add new employees to take care of all of that business and be able to trust those employees to take care of that business well so the job they do for those new customers is just as high quality as you would do yourself. Perhaps the best essential resource you can find is a labor source who can provide you with a consistent supply of workers who do an excellent job for you. Whether this is a community that you network with to draw workers from or a placement service, you will benefit from having a way to recruit good employees without having to make that your job in life.

As strong as your weakest link can be the staff levels

It seems that the balancing act of work and employees is one of the most challenging parts of owning a business to work out. You might have too much activity and not enough employees you can depend on. Then you find yourself overworking the good employees you have and playing higher wages for their more extended hours, and you get overworked yourself which cuts down on time you can spend growing your business. Or you have too many employees when the market shrinks. Then you have a decision of whether to lay off good employees that you want to have on call when your company expands.

As strong as your weakest link is how you respect your staff

Above all, when you develop a strong team of good employees, you should bend heaven and earth to take care of them. Morale in your employee ranks can be as much of a determining factor for the growth of your business as good customers or right equipment you need to take care of all those lawns that are the heart of your work. Learn to be a “good boss.” If employees you know are good workers develop problems, try to work with them to return them to productivity.

As strong as your weakest link are the new staff recruits.

If you can keep a good group of employees working with you and you are always developing new talent, you will have conquered one of the biggest challenges of running your own lawn care business. It will be a skill that will be a crucial component to long term success. And if you can give your employees a little part of the progress you are enjoying, they will become an even more valuable asset which is a loyal crew that will work hard for you because you take good care of them.

Thank you for visiting http://maukasmaku.com  and reading this As strong as your weakest link article post. We hope this was helpful and useful to you.  Please do share this link with your friends, thanks.

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