Tag Archives: Natural Nordic Nutrition

Natural Nordic Nutrition

The Nordic region is distinct by the natural Nordic nutrition, and by the unique closeness of the Arctic proximity, and by the vigor of the biodiversity and life that it contains.

The close proximity of the north pole had influenced and shaped the surrounding environment since the early days when the northern cap froze over with snow and ice.  It was a tough place to shelter and survive through the raging seas of the Autumn and the long cold dark days of the winter months.  The vital links to survival were food, nutrition, good health, shelter, company, warmth, and transport.  The Nordic region had treasures of high-quality food and nutrition in the river systems, lakes, ponds, hillsides, valleys, and under the surface of the Barents Sea.

Fishing has thrived in the Nordic region for many centuries, it was the most common source of Natural Nordic Nutrition throughout the year.

Nordic Naturals.

Fresh fish and seafood in the summer, smoking, salting and curing fish in the autumn time for the long winter months ahead.  Fish products have been a great source of nutrition and health for people of all ages.

National Identity of Norway.

“National Identity. By the middle of the nineteenth century, schoolbooks reflected the theme of a distinct, rural Norwegian culture, as did a variety of popular journals. Writers conveyed the notion that everything of true value was found close to home, in everyday life of simple people…..popular enlightenment helped shape the consciousness of a common culture and history. In the national dialogues that followed, national identity was formed, contributing to the eventual dissolution of the union with Sweden”.

The Fishing industry is still active today, there is a big demand for fish products, and also the fishing tourism draws a great crowd, year by year to the Nordic region annually.

The Nordic region like many other regions of the world has come under a lot of pressure from over fishing and large manufacturing companies that have Ship-factories going out in a big way to catch large amounts of fish products.  Sustainability is a vital hot topic for the future generations, and for the excellent health of the waterways and the deep seas.  Teno river is one of the rare river systems that have the original gene pool of Salmon, it has not died out from over fishing like most river systems in Europe and the Nordic region.

Team Nordic Power Team.

Natural Nordic Nutrition

 Here is a link to more information on Natural Nordic Nutrition.